Nitrox Specialty Course

Original price was: ฿4,000.00.Current price is: ฿3,999.00.

PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty Course including PADI E-learning: 4,000 Baht

What is Enriched Air Nitrox?

Enriched Air Nitrox, often referred to as EANx, is a specialized gas mixture with a higher oxygen content compared to normal air.

You may combine his one-day specialty course with the Advanced OWD Course or other specialty courses like the Wreck Diver Specialty.

Why Use Enriched Air Nitrox?

  • Reduced exposure to nitrogen
  • Extended bottom time
  • Reduced post-dive fatigue
  • Diving with Enriched Air Nitrox reduces your exposure to nitrogen, allowing you to stay at a specific depth for a longer time. The right mixture can double your dive time compared to using normal, compressed air, making it particularly advantageous between 18-30 meters deep.
  • With less nitrogen in your body, you’ll also experience less post-dive fatigue.


What You’ll Learn:

  • Various dive planning methods using Nitrox dive planners and dive computers
  • Proper usage of Enriched Air Nitrox with oxygen levels between 21-40%
  • Dive equipment considerations and maintenance
  • Industry standards and specific regulations
  • Enriched Air Nitrox tank analysis
  • We provide you with a Nitrox tank if you join us on a dive trip. After the analysis, you’re ready for your first Nitrox dive!

Other Benefits

Complete the entire theory training online and save valuable time during your vacation in Phuket.
Upon completing the course, you’ll receive certification as a PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty Diver. This specialty rating is a prerequisite for those aspiring to become a PADI Tec Deep Diver and pursue other technical diver courses.